I was looking for a mask that’s different than the usual clarifying or purifying type. I want something that’s more moisturizing and nurturing. Turns out, this particular product offers both.
This is quite possibly one of the most versatile skincare products I’ve encountered as of late.
Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask*.
What it is (from the website):
A traditional remedy of New Zealand Maori people is antibacterial manuka honey, which powerfully draws moisture to your skin to hydrate it intensely. This facial mask delivers an intensely moisturizing, cleansing and antioxidizing treatment. It is the ultimate solution for spots and blemishes. Fragrances of vanilla pod and mandarin linger to bring peace and balance to your aura.
So let me get this right.
It’s moisturizing but it’s also great for blemishes?! Sounds too good to be true. Usually, any mask that offers to treat spots and blemishes will make the skin drier as it sucks out the impurities including the skin’s moisture. But this mask promises to do both?
Of course I have to prove it.
When I think of honey, I think of that luscious, glistening amber gold liquid. Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask is nothing like that. It’s off white and has a creamy lotion consistency. It also doesn’t smell like honey, instead, it’s kind of citrus-y and fresh.
Because of the creamy lotion consistency, it’s a little bit difficult to get a thicker layer. I like to apply an even layer first before going in for the second one. Working in sections helps too. I use a small dollop each for the forehead, nose and chin. Two dollops for each of my cheeks. The metal squeeze tube makes it easy to dispense the right amount of product. I will layer extra on drier areas such as around my mouth and on blemished areas as well (if I have any). I leave this mask until the off white color disappears; the instruction recommends 15 minutes. But at an average, I usually leave it for up to an hour before rinsing it off with water and the help of a pre-soaked face cloth.
I needed to use it for a few times before coming to appreciate the beauty of it. I’m so used of having a mask that makes my skin taut afterwards. There’s that familiar refreshed, super cleansed feeling. But with Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask, there is no such thing. It feels hydrating and that’s about it. Clearly, I almost take it for granted because I am reminded over and over again that well-hydrated skin is fundamental.
With the amount of acid and other exfoliating skincare products I’m using, my skin is bound to get drier. I love the banging, glowing result, but not so much on the side effect. Incorporating this mask has been a total bless. It preps the skin with enough hydration, with enough strength to cope with the acids. And when I use it before my exfoliating toner, my skin doesn’t feel dry as much. The more I use it, the more I’m in love with it. It’s the kind of mask I want to use everyday, seriously. OK, in real life, I usually use it 2 – 3 times a week. I can go for 3 nights in a row if I need it.
As far as the claims on dealing with blemishes, it’s a yes and a no. It works best when the condition is not too severe. It’s not a magical one-night doer and it’s not meant to be. It does help to calm things down, thanks to the antibacterial Manuka Honey. One thing for sure, I find that this is the perfect mask to use when I know I have crappy spots and redness BUT my skin isn’t at its best condition to endure any harsh clarifying treatment – usually this happens when I have done way too many of it. OR when my skin is feeling sensitive. As a spot treatment, I do find it tones down the inflammation and reduces the redness of the spot. It doesn’t cure it right away, but it eases the pain, if you know what I mean.
It also great to use when I was outdoor for the day and in between heavier-than-usual makeup days. There’s that calming, soothing sensation that I thoroughly enjoy.
I’m really into multi-masking lately and Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask fits the bill beautifully. I especially love using this after May Lindstrom The Problem Solver. As much as I love The Problem Solver, there are some cons to it. After an intense purifying session, my skin craves for nourishment and this mask will fill the need right away. I also love using this after a peel treatment with Bravura Salicylic Acid 2%. My skin absorbs the moisture it gives, making the skin becomes hydrated very quickly. The skin bounces right back, so to speak.
Antipodes Aura Manuka Honey Mask is a thing of beauty. I adore the subtlety and its low profile personality. The kindness. The versatility. Yet it doesn’t crave for attention. And that’s probably what I love the most about it.
Disclosure: the product was sent from Benscrub for review consideration. All opinions, thoughts and rambles expressed are 100% purely mine.
hai tika, klo abis pake bravura salicylic acid, trus di bilas..pake aura masknya dibilas lagi?
Hi Nana,
Iya dibilas lagi dong sesuai review. It’s still a mask after all 😁
hi, selama ini sy jadi silent reader. Btw, pengen nanya, kenapa aura honey mask (antipodes) disebutnya ambidextrous ? Krn bisa jadi masker dan moisturizer ?
Hi there,
I’m not sure how to say it but I made that conclusion based on my experience using this mask, which you can read above. I didn’t say anything about this mask can be used as a moisturizer though. Yes, it moisturizes the skin, but I don’t use it as a leave-on, conventional moisturizer.
Hi Tika,
Apa sehabis menggunakan mask ini kita harus cuci muka lagi dengan cleansing foam ?
Hi Claudia,
In the review above, I have mentioned I rinse the mask off with water and pre-soaked face cloth.
I personally don’t feel the need to use a cleanser.
Hope that helps 🙂
hi mau nanya dong. kalau antipodes aura manuka dengan leahlani mermaid mask lebih bagus yang mana ya? thankyou 🙂
Lebih “bagus” dalam artian apa ya? Bisa lebih detail? Cos both masks have different merits and functions in my skincare routine.
kalau misalkan untung menghilangkan flek2 hitam di wajah kira-kira bisa sis? yang mana ya? 🙂
Did you read both of the reviews yet, or even the description of the products? Gak ada kata2 menghilangkan flek hitam lho.
Coba dibaca ulang deh 🙂